Информация о лоте

No. 107.4.2
Заменен новой версией
Не требуется

Цена не определена

08.10.2021 10:00
20.10.2021 15:00
20.10.2021 15:05

Receiving of the procurement documentation:
The procurement documentation is publicly available at the official websites beginning from the date of the publication.
Official publication of documents related to this procurement: the official website of the Contractor (www.titan2.ru) and the electronic trading platform (ETP) (http://trade.titan2.ru/).
The organizations willing to participate shall send request for the Technical documentation to the Procurement Authority’s e-mail (procurement.hanhikivi1@titan2.fi).
Request for the Technical documentation shall contain:
• Number and name of the procurement procedure;
• Organization name;
• Contact person’s name, phone and e-mail.
Bidding procedure is held through the ETP functions in accordance with Manuals: http://trade.titan2.ru/Help.

Обеспечение заявки
